Seeing The Beauty of God…

Seeing The Beauty of God…

Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; They will see the land that is very far off. ~Isiah 33:17 NKJB

Have you ever seen the beauty of God in your life? What does that mean? Have you been able to see the beauty of God in every situation in your life – the highs, the lows and in the in-between? The death of a parent or child, the death of a spouse or very close friend? The abuse by a parent or someone you trusted? Deep rooted pain in our life that is attempting to teach us something.

Seeing the beauty of God in every aspect of life is important as it opens doors that are locked up tight. Seeing the beauty of God draws us nearer to God than most other situations. If we can look at a tragedy, like being an abused child and see that your Dad was teaching you how not to live, and then you live how you were taught, that is seeing the beauty of God – that is living the beauty of God. We are not able to do that, only God can do that and then we can live a better a life through Jesus Christ.

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Give to the Lord the glory due His name;
Bring an offering, and come before Him.
Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! ~1 Chronicles 16:29 NKJB

When we raise a hand no more to abuse another, when we seek His answer to the question “what do you want me to know…about my “X” passing?” Then we see the land that is very far off. We see what the Lord has for us. The beauty of His grace and mercy wipe away the tears of sorrow and in our heart we cry tears of joy. Life in Jesus takes hold and never lets go.

When the experience of pain is transformed into love the beauty of God is revealed. Once we see this we will never be the same.

Pray about it, ask for it, seek it and knock upon the closed door. He is waiting to dry the tears and reveal the beauty.

Either the Gospel is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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